Christina Peters

Next Level Leadership and Organisational Development for innovators and regenerative pioneers

As Next Level Leadership Coach and Organisational Developer I support you for more groundedness, wholeness and impact in your leadership.

How? With more self and living system awareness, clarity, strengthening habits for focus and flow and expanding your capability for dealing with emotions, complexity and change.

What I've always done: Connecting people and creating the future

I have always been excited by solving a good challenge and learning about how the world works. Hence, building innovative business and sales models for large corporates - and doing so together with smart people and high performing teams during days, evenings and sometimes weekends - was my dream job for more than 10 years.

The big question, "What is my purpose?"

Maybe you know this from yourself: my work has always taken up a lot of space.

The classic: the hamster wheel.

Until an event a few years ago pulled me out of exactly that wheel: my mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor - suddenly I realised, how precious our time is.

The question of meaning got a lot louder: "What is important for our future and how can I best contribute?"

A question that, despite the many ideas in my head, I was unfortunately unable to answer. But it wouldn't let me go and I thought: when, if not now, should I find this out?

How do I want to make an impact in the next 10 years, which will be groundbreaking for this world? How can I best contribute with my skills? How do I develop to be successful and fulfilled tomorrow - in my own definition?

It started first in 2019 with an online course on Business Sustainability Management, then the support of some sustainability initiatives, networking, trying every coaching exercise, and innovation processes I knew to develop ideas and test hypotheses.

As a result, my curiosity kept guiding me back to people and the conscious leadership it takes to build innovation and regenerative business.

We need to transform and reinvent more in the next 10 years than we have in the last 100.

Leadership today needs higher awareness and living systems awareness to manage complexity, hold tensions and master change with confidence. And to make teams, organisations and our ecosystems more successful and resilient in the long term. The future demands a more conscious self.

Maybe that's your experience, too: that when it comes to innovation, it's often not technology that makes the difference, but people. The people who see a new business idea when others are still shaking their heads. The people who turn this idea into reality against all obstacles and resistance. The people who continue to develop and grow with their challenges

And you are one of these people.

"When, if not now? Who if not us?" (J. F. Kennedy)

My mission is to help entrepreneurs and innovators become stronger leaders to make companies more future-fit and regenerative. It takes you and us at our best and most conscious. It is about letting go of our social conditioning and thought patterns and use our full human potential.

The art in life is to become more and more yourself. And see how our inner and outer worlds are connected.

Why? Because then you are grounded and authentic. You see how we are all connected. You handle change with confidence and hold space for others to develop - to create more meaningful impact. And that is exactly what “The Art of Self” enables you to do with different formats: coaching, sparring, consulting, and transformational travel.

“We need more conscious leaders grounded in themselves, curious, compassionate and courageous to navigate complexity, collaboration and change towards more regenerative business.”

- Christina Peters

My coaching philosophy.




I use proven and research-backed approaches from leading American, English and German coaches and trainers. My coaching approach is highly influenced by Neuroscience, Integral Coaching, NLP, Positive Psychology, Conscious Leadership, Regenerative Leadership & Business, Theory U and Spiral Dynamics. I take a holistic approach to leadership and organisational development.




Having worked in corporate and consulting for nearly 15 years, I will of course bring my experience where useful. I know the rules of the game in consulting and also corporates in and out. Building new digital sales and business models from concept to launch, managing change, working directly with c-level, leading global teams and clients, understanding the impact of sustainability, technology, design thinking & agile methods. I know what it takes to succeed in the “new” world and I know what the limitations are and why we need to rethink our approaches further.




Reflecting on the challenges ahead and my own footprint, I started embarking on a learning journey at University of Cambridge, various sustainability initiatives and step-by-step integration. I will continue learning and helping people and businesses imagine and create a more regenerative future for people, business and planet - that is emerging. I am currently learning and getting supervision from leading coaches in the regenerative leadership space.



I am passionate working with people and creating an atmosphere of trust and creativity. My motivation is to get you thinking big and into action. Therefore, I will be challenging you to make and keep commitments that help you grow and reach the goals you set out for yourself. Be ready to do the work. If you just want to have a chat, I am not your coach :)




I am coaching in German and English language and have gained broad intercultural skills having lived in the UK, Argentina and Brazil and worked with colleagues across the globe including US and China. I like to build bridges and am always curious about different cultures and points of view.


Learning from pioneers.

In my corporate and consulting life, I have been blessed to work with extraordinary people and companies that helped me continuously grow and stretch my comfort zone.

I am a passionate learner myself and therefore have immersed myself - and will do so in the future - in intensive coaching training and continuous integration and supervision with some of the best coaches.

Currently, I am working with one of the leading coaches in the regenerative leadership space on my personal next level.

To accompany leaders and teams long-term and in transformation processes (scaling or transforming their business), I have built a network of experienced coaches and consultants.

The approaches that have influenced my work the most are:

  • Coaching and supervision with Giles Hutchins, leading coach, author and advisor in “Leading by Nature” and Regenerative Leadership. Being part of Carol Sanford’s Change Agent Community since 2023 and part of the Regenerators Journey 2023 with Laura Storm.

  • Intensively training for 1.5 years with Veit Lindau, one of Germany’s top trainers, speakers and authors for integral coaching, purpose, relationships and mediation.

  • Training with Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s top high performance coaches and his High Performance Institute.

  • Training with Günther Schmidt, pioneer of the systemic and solution-oriented coaching approach (focus on individuals, teams and organisations)

  • Training with The Conscious Leadership Group that is working with c-level leaders on taking servant and transformational leadership one step further - taking full responsibility for our reality, learning, feelings and communication and build more conscious company cultures.

  • Learning from and with trailblazers in this emerging field of travel helping people transform and travel more sustainably.

  • Training with Otto Scharmer (Theory U) in a course that was developed at MIT, for leading conscious change in business, government and civil society contexts worldwide.

  • Training with RMT Core 100 focusing on strategic intervention mega strategies, navigating life stages, personal transformation and key decisions. This training represents the very best of Tony Robbins’ interventions.

  • Training with the University of Cambridge 8 weekly intensive course online - and staying connected with the alumni community

  • Participating in iLead - the Accenture female leadership programme learning to build my brand, influence and maintain high performance

Certified High Performance Coaching Logo

New perspectives that I am writing about.


Regenerative, empowering, fulfilling, … The Next Level Retreat in Mallorca


Who is still waiting for a title to lead?

Structure or freedom?

I‘d love to help you change your game.


Expand your potential

I want to help you reach your maximum potential and make a difference in this world, whether it is helping you gain more clarity or challenging you to widen your perspective.

Play smart

It can be a stretch to take over more responsibility, start a new role or your own business. Learn to build a system that allows you to move mountains - without burn-out.

Bring your ideas to life

The world needs more people actively engaged in creating their future - and our future. Gaining momentum to step up and lead more consciously is what I love to help you with.