Purposeful Career Coaching

This coaching will help you get from stuck to clarity. Reconnect with yourself, define your purpose, vision and options for your next career step - in just 6 sessions.

For more fulfilment and impact.

Reclaim your spark.

You feel there is more to work.

You are successful but feel restless, unmotivated or frustrated. You know you can do better.

Sometimes the challenge is with the work we do in the world. The work that has defined our identity and shaped who we are. You became a successful entrepreneur, consultant or professional and somewhere along the way you lost touch with your true self. The pace of change in this world is only accelerating. What used to bring you joy is now stressing you out. You feel restless and confused about what's next for you or how to make a bigger impact where you are.

But what do you really really want?

You may have tried to gain clarity and confidence with self help books, or self guided online courses, but those options did not bring you the answers you are looking for. Almost everyone experiences this type of a challenge some time in their life. You are in liminal space between the familiar and the unknown. A transition. An opportunity. A time to reflect and raise your ambition.

What is this programme about?

  • How to gain more clarity about who you are and what you really want

  • How to get from stuck to unstuck

  • How to live in congruence with your needs and values

  • How to focus on what gives you energy and gets you into flow

  • How to develop a work and live vision for yourself

  • How to test different versions of your future self

  • How to be courageous and take action towards your goals

  • How to feel more fulfilled

Is this coaching for me?

  • Are you feeling restless because you know you can do more?

  • Are you seeing your motivation at work sliding?

  • Are you unsure about what you really really want in life or work?

  • Are you putting off that dream of yours one too many times?

  • Are you unclear about how to proactively shape your role and get you in your zone of genius again?

This coaching will help you get to know yourself better, and figure out what you really want. At the end, you will know what your Plan A is and have different scenarios for your future work to experiment with.

My offering for you to gain more clarity now


Career With Purpose Coaching

You would like to gain clarity about who you are, what your purpose is & what you really want in life and work?

  • Coaching with Christina 1:1

  • 6 Zoom calls for 60 minutes over 6 weeks

  • 1 online workbook

  • Bonus: 1 personality test

2,100 EUR inkl. VAT

Career With Purpose Coaching - “Turbo”

You would like to gain more clarity - quickly? Spend 1.5 days with Christina in person in Hamburg.

  • Coaching with Christina 1:1

  • 1.5 day intensive coaching in Hamburg

  • 1 online workbook

  • Bonus: 1 personality test

2,100 EUR inkl. VAT

Meet your coach Christina Peters

As Next Level Leadership Coach, I help you reconnect with yourself and your full potential and lead more consciously - to create a better future. This is a matter close to my heart.

I've tested out a wide variety of integral and science-based methods myself on my own path to my more meaningful professional life, and have only incorporated the most effective ones into my coaching.

You will also benefit from my broad experience from coaching and 10+ years of management consulting and collaboration with start-ups, scale-ups, mid-sized companies and corporates from retail, consumer goods, healthcare and mobility on the topic of new business models and transformation.

Purposeful Career Coaching sessions


#1 Your Life

What is your attention currently focusing on? What is your level of agency or control to make important life and work decisions? What habits help you gain more clarity and energy to support change?


#2 Clarity

Clarity will get you what you want. The lack of clarity will keep you distracted and busy. What does your best self look like? This gives you immediate, behavior-driven clarity and intentionality to move forward quickly.

#3 Vision

Success in life looks different for everyone. Define what success means to you - in this moment - and develop a compelling vision for your life and career. We will get creative and take different angles to get there.


#4 Optimum

What does it take for you to be doing your best work? Explore in more detail what it is that really excites you, helps you “flow”, makes you curious - be that place, people, topics, activities, values.

#5 Design Work

We do not find our dream role by looking at job descriptions. We need to think out of the box and design your work life: plan A, B, C as well as learn how to test key hypothesis of each plan.


#6 Competence

New vision usually requires new skills as well. Explore how you learn best. What do you need to learn in the next 12 months to grow into your plan. How will you do this? Finish the programme with a concrete learning & action plan.

How would we work together?

  • Before our first session, you will receive a self-assessment questionnaire to fill out. This is for you to already start thinking about what is important to you and also a way so that we do not spend too much time in the beginning on “the basics” :)

  • In our first session, we will speak in detail about your goal for the coaching and exactly how success looks like for you: defining your purpose for long-term career planning and fulfilment or finding the next career step fast. That way we have a clear understanding what we are aiming for in those 6 weeks working together.

  • We meet on a weekly basis for 1 hour 1:1 coaching online. In each session there is a particular focus and also enough room for your individual topics and for challenging your ideas. If you should have trouble making a call, you can always postpone if you let me know more than 24 hours in advance.

  • On your personal Miro board you will have access to your homework for more in depth reflection. The homework consists of frameworks and thought starters that help you understand your needs and ideas for your future better. Please plan for 1-2 hours per week for these Deep Dives - in addition to the coaching sessions. It is worth it!

What my clients are saying


"I worked with Christina for over 3 months and am extremely happy to have chosen her as my coach. Christina helped me a lot to redefine my priorities as a young mum and to get clarity in my individual areas of life (especially about my next career step). I particularly liked the fact that Christina approaches processes in such a structured way without losing her warmth. I felt understood and supported by her at every second. We went on a vision quest together and developed a super master plan that I can now use as a guide for my next professional and private steps. Christina is and remains an inspiration for me and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for her valuable work. I can definitely recommend her to anyone who has a desire for more clarity, change and further development in their life."

— Recha Magdalena Kühne, Coach, Germany


“I almost quit my job. Christina helped me gain clarity, and ultimately switching roles within consulting and pivoting the idea for my start-up. She is challenging, yet super motivating.”

— Max, Disruptive Technology Lead, Switzerland


“I have noticed for a while that I needed a change in my career. Christina listens super well, gives the right nudges, challenges and brings a lot of experience and competence in business and coaching. Combining performance, career and fulfilment in my private life has finally worked out - with the help of Christinas coaching.”

— Hauke, Entrepreneur & Sr. Manager Consulting, Germany

I chose Christina to support me in finally setting up different options for my personal growth path to experiment with, which I found super inspiring, leaving me with a feeling of self-confidence and joyful anticipation. I highly appreciate the holistic concept Christina pursues, the professional coaching methods, as well as her calm but determined manner to push me outside my comfort zone so I realised what I am actually capable of.“

- Nadine, Change Manager, Germany


“I was entirely unsure about my next career move and how to define my goals. Christina has helped me with her empathic, structured and focused way to see more clearly and define concrete next steps. Because of this I have reconnected with my enthusiasm and ambition and have a much better understanding of myself and my priorities - thank you for the wonderful programme!”

— Lea, Manager Consulting, Germany

Ready to get your clarity and spark back?

Just book a free discovery call. During that call we will get to know each other and see if and how I may help you. I look forward to it!