Looking to find your flow again?

A lot in this world seems to be speeding up these days.

It sometimes feels like a carrousel turning faster with every round.

Our first reaction is to run faster. To keep up. We try and do more – with our inner critic sitting on the driver seat. Just to be more stressed, get less done and feel less in flow.

The flow we are all somehow looking for. This state of being in the zone, immersed in an activity, fully focused, and fulfilled in the now, enjoying ourselves.

What many people forget is that flow is not a constant state.

Like many things in life, it is a cycle of struggle, release, flow, recovery.

Unfortunately, we often try to skip the release and recovery phase.

With the result of getting stuck in the struggle phase.

Real flow often only starts when we slow down, let go and take our mind off the problem.

It gives our brain the opportunity to pass learning from the conscious to the subconscious mind and have it work with us. It allows us to be more present, more playful.

Taking breaks has many more benefits but this is definitively a big one.

So, how to start training your release and recovery muscle?

Create micro habits of pausing, not doing anything, and regenerating, e.g.

🌱 A minute pause between activities, closing your eyes and breathing deeply
🌱 A 5-minute box breathing pause (5 seconds in, 5 hold, 5 out, 5 hold)
🌱 A 10-minute pause to meditate or do heart breathing 
🌱 A 30-minute walk in nature
🌱 A day pause with not doing anything

If you think, “ah these are easy”, do integrate them into your life and feel the difference. Maybe holiday time is a good time to start. 😊

What are you doing today to slow down and actively pause – to increase the chances of you getting into a healthy flow again?


If you feel it is time to reflect on your life and work for less stress and more flow and fulfillment, do get in touch and I am happy to help you in a 1:1 coaching or feel free to join my Next Level Retreat from 8-12th October in Mallorca (more info on my website in the profil section). It will be all about getting to know yourself better, defining your next level and learning the most effective techniques to get there - including flow :)


„Regenerative, empowering, fulfilling…“


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