The liminal space between the old and new self.

The liminal space between the old and new self.

Whenever we make big changes in our lives, we get to a place called the liminal space (from latin limen: threshold).

The liminal space between the "old" and the"new".

We get to this uncomfortable place that makes you move forward because it has become too uncomfortable not to.

You have grown out of your role ...

… but your next step is unclear and the rubber band pulls you back anytime you are not consciously moving forward.

Your brain wants you to be save. It prefers the known. But this is not how you create (y)our fulfilling future.

If that is where you are now, for example between career choices or wondering how to create more impact and fulfillment as an entrepreneur - don’t give up!

This was me two years ago.

The only way to your next level is to go step by step, reflect, experiment, see what emerges, what works and be uncomfortable – for a while.

Until the path gets clearer. Until the pull of your purpose and the “new” is strong enough.

🚀 How can you strengthen the pull of your purpose?

- Reflect on your story and your gifts and find the patterns of what makes you feel alive and what the world needs – this is where a good coach can really help
- Develop options, be curious and experiment – "put your feet in the water" and sense into your different futures
- Set realistic goals, take small but continuous action and make yourself aware of the progress (it is so easily overlooked)
- Get an accountability partner or journey team to keep you going when things get challenging
- Give yourself some grace in self mastery, exercise and spend time in nature to keep you grounded (and get out of your head)

Big changes in life are certainly never easy, but they can be easier.

Build a system for that gets you through your liminal space to connect more with your purpose. The world needs more people that have come alive and are creating positive ripple effects - in business and communities :)


Structure or freedom?


Who wants more focus?